
28 August 2013

Organizing the Hall

[Originally published 3/4/13]
So, to continue with the challenge:



I unfortunately have to do the hall first.  Our hall becomes a catch all for some reason even though we have to walk through it to get to our rooms or the upstairs bathroom.  At this moment, some of it is dirty laundry.  Most of it is stuff from any room I was cleaning but had stuff that didn't belong there.  And still some is outgrown clothing to go to the attic bins, but it's too cold to go up there much.  All those together, plus clearing out the middlest girls room since she didn't clean it equals THIS:

view to west

view to east

Again, horrible.  it's gotten to this state more often than I'd like to admit.  I'd like to think that if all the bedrooms were organized, there'd be a place for all the stuff I pulled out of the wrong rooms.  There isn't much to organize in the main part here.  There are two closets off to the south that need help.  However, I can take pictures of them yet.   They also will be done after the bedroom and sunroom.  However, pictures will have to be hung in this room to aid in the organization of the sunroom.  The snowballing of the organization and maintenance of the house may kill me.  If it doesn't, and we actually accomplish something, the house will again be a beauty.  So, until later this week, here I finally go!

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